2025 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace Technology and Materials Application
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Conference Honorary Chair


Prof. Duc Truong PhamUniversity of Birmingham, UK

Duc Truong PHAM OBE FREng FLSW FSME BE PhD DEng FIET FIMechE SFHEA holds the Chance Chair of Engineering at the University of Birmingham.  His research is in the areas of intelligent systems, robotics and autonomous systems and advanced manufacturing and remanufacturing technology.  He has published over 600 technical papers and books and has graduated more than 100 PhD students.  He is a recipient of several awards including five prizes from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the World Automation Congress and a Distinguished International Academic Contribution Award from the IEEE.  He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Learned Society of Wales, the Society for Manufacturing Engineers, the Institution of Engineering and Technology and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.  He is the founding editor of the Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, the founding editor-in-chief of Cogent Engineering and the editor-in-chief of the International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing.

General Conference Chairs


Prof. Yongbo Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Dr. Yongbo Li is currently a professor of Northwestern Polytechnical University, a doctoral supervisor and a national high-level young talent. Ph. D. of School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, PhD jointly trained by University of Alberta, Canada, visiting scholar of University of Huddersfield, UK. He is mainly engaged in the research of artificial intelligence, signal processing and fault diagnosis, pattern recognition and application. As the first person in charge, he presided over 2 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation (youth, surface), 2 projects of the Science and Technology Commission of the National Military Commission, 4 projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and 5 provincial and ministerial level projects such as key research and development of Shaanxi Province; He has participated in 2 national 973 projects, 1 863 project and 2 key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation. He has published more than 50 SCI papers as the first/corresponding author, including 10 ESI highly cited papers, 1 ESI hot paper, 10 papers with a single citation of 100 papers, more than 1873 SCI citations, and the highest single SCI citations 216 times. He is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF= 11.7), an associate editor of Measurement (IF=5.2), and an associate editor of IEEE SENSORS Associate editor of JOURNAL (IF=4.3), associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IF=5.6), Young editorial Board member of Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. He has been awarded the Excellent subject of the Chinese Mechanics Society, selected into the China Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Program, the First Prize of Science and Technology in Shaanxi Colleges and Universities, and the second Prize of Natural Science in Aeronautical Society.


Prof. Abdul Ghani Albaali, Princess Sumaya University, Jordan

Dr. Ghani Albaali obtained a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Auckland University 2001. He is interested in conducting research related to Heat & Mass Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Numerical Analysis, Computer Simulations, Environment Engineering and Technology, Renewable Energy, Fluid Mechanics, High Pressure Processing of Food, and Food Processing Engineering. He teaches Research Research Methodology, Environment, Data Analysis.


Prof. Renfu LiHuazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Renfu Li, Distinguished professor of Chutian Scholars. American ASME (Mechanical Engineering) Fellow; AIAA (Aerospace) Associate Fellow. Director of the Academic Committee of the Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Director of the Institute of Intelligent Unmanned Flight Systems. Bachelor degree in Aircraft design, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1988; He holds a dual master's degree in aerospace engineering and mathematical sciences from the Georgia Institute of Technology USA, a doctorate in Aeronautics and astronautics from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and is the recipient of the Luther Long Award for Distinguished Doctoral graduates. In July 1988, he went to Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute of AVIC to work on aircraft development. Since 1997, he has studied and worked in California Institute of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology and Aerospace Institute in the United States for 14 years, and was invited to return to Huazhong University of Science and Technology to prepare for the school of Aeronautics and astronautics, and to engage in teaching, scientific research and personnel training. He is the first-level doctoral program in Aeronautics and astronautics of the Ministry of Education of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and the person in charge of first-class professional construction of aircraft design of the Ministry of Education. He served as the deputy editor of the international aviation flagship Journal "AIAA Journal", the deputy editor of the "Aviation Weapons", the editorial board of the "Chinese Journal of Aeronautics", and the editorial board of the 13th Five-Year aviation and aerospace teaching materials of the Ministry of Education. Published more than 100 academic papers; More than 50 patents.

Technical Program Committee Chairs


Prof. Gang ZhangHarbin Institute of Technology, China

Gang Zhang, Professor/doctoral supervisor, national high-level young talent, Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of "Emergency Space Vehicle Technology" of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In recent years has been engaged in the research work of spacecraft orbital Dynamics and Control, in the first/corresponding author SCI papers published more than 50, including 19 published in aerospace authoritative Journal "Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics" (JGCD, AIAA) and IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (IEEE TAES). At present, he serves as deputy editor of IEEE TAES, deputy editor of Springer's ESCI journal Astrodynamics, editorial board member of Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (English), Young editorial board member of Journal of Astronautics and other academic positions.


Prof. Hui LiNortheastern University, China

Professor and doctoral supervisor, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, currently works in the Institute of Mechanical Design and Theory, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, and is one of the main members of the Key Laboratory (Class B) of the Ministry of Education of "Vibration and Control of Aero-Power Equipment" of Northeastern University. The main research directions are: (1) Nonlinear vibration and active and passive control of advanced material structures; (2) Study on high temperature vibration and impact resistance of coating composite structure; (3) Intelligent composite material preparation, vibration reduction design, mechanical property evaluation; (4) Electromagnetic emission dynamics, bird impact dynamics and high-end testing instruments and equipment development.


Prof. Zhenbo LuSun Yat-Sen University, China

Zhenbo Lu, Ph.D., professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sun Yat-sen University, received bachelor's and Master's degrees in aerospace propulsion Theory and Engineering from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, PhD degree in mechanical Engineering from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and worked in the National University of Singapore for many years. He is the young editorial board member of Journal of Aviation, Aerospace Technology and Aerodynamics, Technical advisor of Beijing Civil Aircraft Technology Research Center of COMAC, and member of Low span Supersonic Professional Committee of Chinese Aerodynamics Society. His research includes electric vertical take-off and landing vehicle (eVTOL), aircraft aerodynamic design, aerodynamic noise, artificial intelligence, bionic ornithopter, acoustic metasurface, smart materials and structures, noise and vibration, etc. Won the 2019 National Overseas high-level Young talents, 2020 "Pearl River Talent Plan" young top talent and other talent projects awards and funding.


Prof. Zilong ZhaoBeihang University, China

Zilong Zhao, Ph.D., Tsinghua University, Professor and doctoral supervisor of Beihang University, China National High-level Overseas Young Talent, Australia National Outstanding Young Talent, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Young Top talent, evaluation expert of Science and Technology Development Center of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Evaluation expert of Scientific Research and Development Center of Higher Education Ministry, Review expert of Degree and Graduate Education Development Center of Ministry of Education, review expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Review expert of Australian Research Council, Review expert of Jiangsu Science and Technology Association, Editor of the internationally renowned SCI journal Engineering Fracture Mechanics (the top journal of mechanics in the 1st Sub-region of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Chairman of the 3rd International Conference on Aerospace and Control Engineering (ICoACE 2024), More than 30 mainstream SCI journals, such as PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Publication Chairs


Assoc. Prof. Weilong YinHarbin Institute of Technology, China

Weilong Yin, Associate Professor, PhD supervisor, Institute of Composite Materials and Structures, School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology. 1995-1998, studied in the First Middle School of Hailun City, Heilongjiang Province, 1998-2002, studied in the Department of Aircraft Design and Applied Mechanics of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (undergraduate), 2002-2007, studied in the School of Aeronautical Science and Engineering of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, majoring in Aircraft design (directly under the supervision of Professor Xiang Jinwu, Research direction: Study on Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity of composite Materials) He has published more than 60 papers in "Smart Materials and Structures", "Carbon", "Materials", "Science in China", "Acta Aeronautica" and "Journal of Composite Materials" and other well-known journals and academic conferences at home and abroad, including: SCI included 15, EI included 39, ISTP included 7; It has applied for 29 national invention patents and has authorized 13 patents.


Assoc. Prof. Devarajan RamasamyUniversiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Currently, Assoc Prof. Ts. Ir. Dr. Devarajan C. Eng(UK) is researcher and consultant at College of Engineering in Universiti Malaysia Pahang. He graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia with a PHD in 2015 and University Teknologi Malaysia with Master’s of Engineering in 2006. After his first degree in UTM 2002, he worked at Kolej WIT (M) Sdn. Bhd. for about 2 year with last position as Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering. He continued his studies to Masters and later joined Scott and English as Production Engineer in 2005. As a franchise holder representative for TATAMOTORS LTE, he managed production of commercial vehicles in Scott and English (DRB-HICOM). He has shown vast interest in Thermofluid, Vehicle Technology, Nanotechnology, Engine Testing and Alternative Fuel research area. At present, involve in an internal and international research grants with research actively involved in CNG fuel, finite element, computational fluid mechanics and advanced materials research activities. He has published papers in both local, international conference and journals. He is a member of several professional body and scientific society such as Board of Engineers Malaysia, Charted Engineer in The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) UK ; Fellow in UMP Automotive Excellence Centre UMP and Fellow in Centre of Excellence for Advanced Research in Fluid Flow (CARIFF).

Organizing Committees

· Prof. Murat Tolga OZKAN, Gazi University, Turkey

· Prof. Prashanth Konda Gokuldoss, Tallinn University of Technology, Indian

· Prof. Gang Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

· Prof. Sirong Yu,China University of Petroleum, China

· Prof. Tao Yu, Tongji University, China

· Prof. Zhu Weibing, Xihua University, China

· Assoc. Prof. Yun Bai, Inner Mongol University of Technology, China

· Assoc. Prof. Jiandong He, Inner Mongol University of Technology, China

· Assoc. Prof.  Xin Liu, Inner Mongol University of Technology, China

· Assoc. Prof. Biao Li, Inner Mongol University of Technology, China

· Dr. Jin Chai, Inner Mongol University of Technology, China

· Dr. Liang Zhang, Jiangsu Normal University, China

· Dr. Hock Jin Quah, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Technical Program Committees

· Prof. Junxi Bi, School of Aeronautics, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, China

· Prof. Ruixiang Bai, Dalian University of Technology, China

· Prof. Dr. Murat Tolga OZKAN, Gazi University, Turkey

· Prof. Prashanth Konda Gokuldoss, Tallinn University of Technology, Indian

· Prof. Gang Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

· Assoc. Prof. Jie Jia, Chang' an University, China

· Assoc. Prof. SANDIP KUNAR, Aditya Engineering College, Indian

· Assoc. Prof. Engin Derya Gezer, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey

· Dr. AHMED LEGROURI, International University of Grand-Bassam, Morocco

· Dr. Anand Vyas, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong, China

· Dr. Liang Zhang, Jiangsu Normal University, China
· Dr. Hock Jin Quah, Institute of Nano Optoelectronics Research and Technology (INOR), Universiti Sains Malaysia,Malaysia